Creme Fraiche Caramels

Delicious little candies!
One thing I can tell you is that I absolutely love cookbooks, and I have a lot of them stacked around our apartment. Plus, a lot more back in the states. I love cooking different things from various book, tweaking or adding them to other things for composed dishes.
In one of the books I recently received, Maximum Flavor by Aki Kamozawa and H. Alexander Talbot, there is a recipe for Creme Fraiche Caramels that I had to try. I don’t really make sweets often because I’m more of a savory kind of guy and sweets tend to hang around for a while. (Which is probably a good thing) Since we live in France, the land of cream, Creme Fraiche isn’t difficult to find. So I decided to give these a shot, and of course add my own little twist. I like to add some savory aspects to sweet products; to me it makes them a little more interesting. Like peppers with chocolate, for example. I decided that I’d add a touch of cayenne pepper to the caramels to give them a little kick. They turned out great! So good in fact that I’m going to be throwing them into every picnic and dinner that we do for something that everyone can take home with them. I really think you’ll love it.
Take a look at our picnic services and dinner options and book now. People are starting to reserve theirs dates and space is limited!